Fr., 06.04.2018 - So., 08.04.2018
Witten/Herdecke University, Audimax and grand hall, ab 14 Uhr

UniversitätWirtschaft und GesellschaftStudium fundamentale

3rd International PPE Conference

3rd International PPE Conference

The International PPE Conference is an academic event that brings together students, lecturers, professionals and researchers from all over the world to discuss different topics related to today’s most pressing global issues. For our 3rd annual conference, we will focus on the limitations and contradictions that lie beneath the popular conception of economic growth.

Traditionally, most governments have structured their macroeconomic policy around the notion of economic growth, mostly because of perceived gains in terms of general social well-being and extended power. Indeed, economic growth has been positively correlated to key social indicators such as infant mortality, years of education, employment and unemployment rates, life expectancy, among others. However, much debate has revolved around the finitude of natural resources and the excessive degree to which our productive system threatens the sustainability of our environment. On this regard, many would argue that the whole conception of economic growth conflicts with the very ideal of living in a sustainable productive system. As a response to perceived contradictions, alternative conceptions are attracting, increasingly, new proponents. One of such alternatives, degrowth, calls for a new way of living and experiencing life. Its proponents denounce that current models of living, supported by economic growth and consumerism, are not viable and ecologically feasible. Degrowth scholars have consistently maintained that so-called sustainable development and green growth alternatives are not realistic, because they do not solve the major problem, which is the degradation of the environment. Amidst such varied positions, a constructive dialogue is very much needed. That is what the conference intends to do:  particularly enable a reflection at the intersection of philosophy, politics and economics.

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Beginn der Veranstaltung :
Fr., 06.04.2018, 16:00 Uhr
Ende der Veranstaltung:
So., 08.04.2018, 18:00 Uhr
UniversitätWirtschaft und GesellschaftStudium fundamentale

Witten/Herdecke University, Audimax and grand hall, ab 14 Uhr


PPE Conference Team


Tickets for the conference for 75 Euro to be ordered under:

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