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Integrating business model innovation and value co-creation: Empirical results from the customers’ perspective

Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft

Dynamic and increasingly global market environments force businesses to put more and more emphasis on measures aimed at maintaining or improving their innovativeness, e.g. with respect to refining or renewing their business model (BM). Consequently, business model innovation (BMI) turns out to be an attractive approach for establishing a competitive advantage with respect to a successful long-term existence of businesses. While previous research emphasises the impact of BMI on direct performance indicators for businesses, indirect effects of BMI have been receiving considerable less attention so far. Following this, particularly the relation between BMI and customer perception needs to be studied in more detail. Hence, we analyse the influence of BMI on the willingness of customers to engage in value co-creation. For this purpose, we conduct a large-scale survey among students on BMI and co-creation in restaurants. We find a strong impact of BMI on the two constructs "helping" (giving advice to other customers) and "advocacy" (positive word-of-mouth communication about the restaurant). The empirical findings allow deriving concrete implications for both researchers and practitioners regarding the integrated view on BMI and customer value co-creation.


Clauß, Thomas & Kesting, Tobias & Naskrent, Julia


Art des Beitrags:
Vortrag / Konferenzbeitrag / Konferenzpräsentation
Veröffentlicht in:
R&D Management Conference 2016
2016 , Cambridge, UK

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