Found 4 results.
Student Life
enthusiasts to go on tour with you? You can work out at university sports. Our sports programmes Make Witten your feel-good place! Fall in love with the [...] university choir or rock the orchestra. Fancy some exercise? Then university sport is just the thing for you. Try it out for yourself! Be part of a movement: ...
Ketogenic diet and exercise offer new opportunities for people with narcolepsy
of ketosis, in which fat is used for energy instead of glucose. Both the sports and diet groups showed significant improvements. Better quality of life ...
Our Vibe
things out, get things moving and have fun. Whether it's initiative work, sport or founding your own start-up. Everything is possible! Discover the possibilities ...
Final conference of the BioVal research project
Berlin and the University of Augsburg as well as the three companies Ritter Sport, FRoSTA and Seeberger are involved in the project. Dr Ulrike Eberle, BioVal [...] demonstrate responsibility for our environment." Georg Hoffmann from Ritter Sport adds: "The BioVal project will enable us to talk to the farmers who produce ...