Major in Entrepreneurship
Do you want to take on responsibility in a company and develop new business ideas in a dynamic environment? Do you aim to launch your own start-up? The "Entrepreneurship" major of the Management B.Sc. programme equips you with the thorough knowledge necessary to become a successful founder – from the first idea via developing growth strategies to, finally, strategies for more mature and increasingly competitive markets: Acquire the tools and best practices for establishing your business in courses like "Start-up Creation and Management" and develop a business model from ideation to an elaborated business plan in our Entrepreneurial Lab ("GründerWerkstatt") with the help of experts. Moreover, courses such as "Psychology of Family Businesses" or "Fundamentals of a Family Business – Understanding Family Businesses" give an in-depth insight into the strategies of traditional enterprises and prepare for entering the management profession.
Major in Value-Based Management
Is management more to you than maximising the short-term profit of company shareholders? Do you want to know how to manage a company successfully in the long run and create benefits for your customers, employees and society at large? Do you like to become a responsible manager leading a company successfully into the future? The "Value-Based Management" major provides you with an overview of modern management theories and practices as well as of various value-based approaches – beyond the traditional shareholder value approach. This includes, for example, trust-based leadership, self-organisation in groups or the market-oriented corporate management approach. Seminars on "Corporate Social Responsibility" and "Social Entrepreneurship" convey what is essential for managers. For example, to know a company’s stakeholders and how to involve them in corporate decision-making by responsibly interacting with customers and employees, by sustainably managing resources or by deliberately deciding to act according to ethical standards, for instance. In addition, you gain insights through courses such as "Value-based Marketing", "Organizational Culture and Leadership" or "Managing Strategic Change" and acquire skills in designing change processes necessary to transform companies into socially responsible actors.