UW/H Research Funding

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Third-party funding advice
Promotion of junior researchers
Funding Newsletter
Funded research projects
EU Research Funding
National sponsors
Industrial research
Meetings and Events
Prof. Dr. med. Christian Karagiannidis
While as a clinical researcher I was concentrating on subject-specific project contents, UW/H Research Funding accomplished relevant tasks concerning the submission of the application for successful third-party funding. Despite working at a different location, I could absolutely count on their research management and expertise: Research Funding clarified the basic conditions, met the funding institution’s formal requirements and paid attention to economic aspects.
Third-party funding application: “Collaborative research project on portable long-term lung support technology for treating severe COPD (p-ECCO2R)” – Prof. Dr. Christian Karagiannidis
This three-year research project can be implemented by means of third-party funds amounting to half a million euros, provided by the Witten family business Dr. Ausbüttel. The management of the funds was supported by UW/H Research Funding.
Research project: 'GAP – Glück in der Arztpraxis' (Happiness in a doctor’s surgery)
Dr. Heinz-Rudi Spiegel of 'Stifterverband für die Deutsche Wissenschaft' at an information event organised by UW/H Research Funding
For us, the representatives of science-promoting foundations, it was also an important experience to get into direct contact with Witten/Herdecke University. Continuing such information events will surely be of mutual benefit and lead to a better understanding.
Dr. Heinz-Rudi Spiegel vom Stifterverband für die Deutsche Wissenschaft auf einer Informationsveranstaltung Forschungsförderung an der UW/H
“Pooling research funds”: A conference
By staying in touch with the business community, Witten/Herdecke University ensures that students get into contact with practice. Klarita Nestler: ‘Concurrently, the business community quite often recruits its future professionals this way’.
“Pooling research funds”: A conference on how UW/H and regional enterprises may collaborate more closely in the future.
Horizon 2020 – Event on the new EU research and innovation framework programme
With its 'Horizon 2020' programme, the EU has started an ambitious initiative and provides about 80 billion euros for promoting research and innovation until 2020. Guests of the information event included not only UW/H scientists but also all interested researchers of the region.
Horizon 2020 - Veranstaltung zum neuen EU-Rahmenprogramm für Forschung und Innovation
During the national and EU research funding information event with speakers from contact centres of the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research, the invited speakers illustrated application and funding options in interdisciplinary areas and in the fields of health, social and economic sciences as well as humanities and arts.
National and EU research funding: Information event 2017
Klarita Nestler
Head of Department Klarita Nestler
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Klarita Nestler came to Witten/Herdecke University from the international office of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research, Bonn. In a number of previous positions (COST/Brussels, KOWI, Association for the Promotion of Science and Humanities in Germany, GTZ, BMZ and ZENIT GmbH), she acquired a solid basis of experience and know-how in research funding both on the national and EU level. She qualified as EU Funding Advisor at the University of Administration Sciences Speyer (Germany) in 2013.

She works as an expert in the field of research funding on the national and EU level.  Shaping modern science and research management is one of her aims. She pursues and promotes this aim by participating in steering committees in North Rhine-Westphalia, in EU projects as well as in research networks and working groups.

Die Universität Witten/Herdecke ist durch das NRW-Wissenschaftsministerium staatlich anerkannt und wird – sowohl als Institution wie auch für ihre einzelnen Studiengänge – regelmäßig akkreditiert durch: