Faculty of Management, Economics and Society

    Reinhard Mohn Institute of Management (RMI)

    The Bertelsmann Stiftung has funded the Reinhard Mohn Institute (RMI), which is named after its founder, since its foundation in 2010.  With its research, teaching, and dialogue the institute provides substantial national and international impetus for reforming corporate governance theory and practice.

    The RMI operates in line with the participative and responsible governance philosophy of Reinhard Mohn, with a solid foundation of organization theory. Its new content conception perceives strategy, management, organization and control increasingly as inter-organizational processes in the sense of cooperative governance in networks.


    Instagram:    rmi_uwh    

    Email: rmi@uni-wh.de



    June 19, 2024: RMI debate with Dr. Manuela Lenzen

    Dr. Manuela Lenzen (© Laurenz Kienitz / RMI)

    On 19 June 2024, the RMI debate "Hype and Help - Artificial Intelligence in Companies" took place with science journalist Dr. Manuela Lenzen. The evening was moderated by Prof. Dr. Hendrik Wilhelm from the Reinhard Mohn Institute at UW/H.

    The event offered participants the opportunity to delve deeper into the complex field of artificial intelligence (AI) and to address the numerous questions and uncertainties that this topic raises both in companies and among the general public.

    A central theme of the debate was the uncertainty that AI creates for many companies. Many are wondering whether and how they need to utilise this new technology in order not to be left behind by the competition. The questions of "how" and "what for" often remain unanswered, which leads to a hesitant attitude towards the implementation of AI.
    Dr Manuela Lenzen explained the risks and potential of current AI processes to the participants. Trained algorithms can monitor production chains, predict demand for products, recognise patterns in biodata and even generate texts, images and videos. However, these algorithms also make strange mistakes as they do not "think" like humans and sometimes draw wrong conclusions or invent supposed facts. It is therefore crucial not to overestimate or overlook the potential of AI.

    The responsible use of AI remains crucial for entrepreneurs in order to utilise the potential of the technology, involve employees and better achieve corporate goals in the long term. The RMI debate has shown that it is not just about implementing AI, but also about carefully planning and managing its application and integration.

    Further information and images: see events


    June 18, 2024: Company tours in the value chain management module
    June 01, 2024: Prof. Möllering Chairman of the WK ORG in the VHB
    May 24-25, 2024: DEMETRA Kick-off Meeting in London
    April 01, 2024: We welcome our new institute assistant at the RMI
    March 19, 2024: Practical studies at the RMI also in the summer semester 2024


    07 December 2023: RMI Debate "How does science speak to society?" with Sabine Hossenfelder and Christina Hoon.
    07 December 2023: Maxilimian Heimstädt has hold his inaugural lecture
    28 November 2023: New study on entrepreneurs and change published in Organization Science
    22 November 2023: RMI is looking for a new Team Assistant
    17 November: New Co-Work? Transformation through Cooperation - RMI Day of Management with Alexander Kluge, Birgit Gebhardt and Alexandra Heinzelmann
    30 October 2023: RMI Research Seminar with Ellen Nathues and Matthias Wenzel
    10. October 2023: Dr. Maximilian Heimstädt defends his habiliation
    09. October 2023 RMI Research Seminar with Julia Grimm
    (No) Time for Change: When and Why Entrepreneurs Act During Underperforming Fundraising Attempts

    Hendrik Wilhelm, Norbert Steigenberger, Clarissa E. Weber, Jouni K. Juntunen, Mark Ebers

    Peer-reviewed scientific journal article
    Knowing Food: Sustainability Politics, Food Policy Councils and the Co-Production of Knowledge

    Simone Schiller-Merkens, Amanda Machin

    Scientific article (journals)
    Governance of Interorganizational Projects: A Process-Based Approach Applied to a Latin American–European Case

    Fernandes, Elieti B., Wegner, Douglas, & Möllering, Guido

    Scientific article (journals)
    After successful fundraising: How overfunding and category spanning affect the release and audience-perceived quality of crowdfunded products

    Clarissa E. Weber, Norbert Steigenberger and Hendrik Wilhelm

    Scientific article (journals)
    Social Transformation through Prefiguration?A Multi-Political Approach of Prefiguring Alternative Infrastructures.

    Simone Schiller-Merkens

    Scientific article (journals)
    Prefiguring an alternative economy: Understanding prefigurative organizing and its struggles

    Simone Schiller-Merkens

    Scientific article (journals)
    (When) are dynamic capabilities routine? A mixed-methods configurational analysis

    Wilhelm, H., Maurer, I., Ebers, M.

    Scientific article (journals)
    Sluggish, but innovative? Orchestrating collaboration in multi-stakeholder networks despite low commitment

    Leona A. Henry, Guido Möllering

    Scientific article (journals)
    „Komik in Konflikten: Wie Scherze zwischen Subkulturen deeskalierend wirken können“

    Kowalski, Melissa; Möllering, Guido

    Scientific article (journals)
    Managing competing demands: Coping with the inclusiveness-efficiency paradox in cross-sector partnerships

    Henry, L.A., Rasche, A., & Möllering, G.

    Peer-reviewed scientific journal article
    Was heißt unternehmerische Verantwortung heute? Reflexionen zum 100. Geburtstag Reinhard Mohns

    Reinhard-Mohn-Institut für Unternehmensführung (Hrsg.)

    Partizipation in Unternehmen in der Zukunft nach Corona

    Child, John; Möllering, Guido

    Book contribution
    Partnerschaft: Reinhard Mohns Erfolgsrezept

    Möllering, Guido

    Book contribution
    Unternehmerische Verantwortung in Forschung, Lehre und Praxisdialog

    Möllering, Guido; Wilhelm Hendrik

    Book contribution
    The way we make each other feel: Relational affect and joint task performance

    Casciaro, T., Lobo, M., Wilhelm, H., Wittland, M.

    Peer-reviewed scientific journal article

    The research results of the RMI published in renowned journals are mostly freely available to the public (so-called "Open Access" publication). Here is the overview with the corresponding links: Articles



    Research - DEMETRA project

    We are happy to announce that our international research project DEMETRA  has finally started! Over the next three and a half years, we will be working on the socio-ecological transformation of the food system as part of DEMETRA ("Democratic Governance, Environmental and Climate Challenges, and Societal Transformation: Deliberation, Inclusiveness, and Citizen Empowerment for Sustainable Food Systems"; funded by Horizon Europe, UK Research and Innovation Fund and the Swiss State Secretariat for Research, Education, and Innovation).

    The German team, led by Dr. Simone Schiller-Merkens (RMI, Principal Investigator DEMETRA), also includes Dr. Philipp Degens (RMI) as well as Jörn Hamacher and Florian Sander from the Cologne Nutrition Council.



    Seminars with a lot of practical relevance at the RMI also in the summer semester 2024

    The 2024 summer semester will once again offer plenty of practical experience and exciting guests. From guest lectures by Rolls-Royce and Wurm Elektronische Systeme to company tours at J.D. Neuhaus and Müller's Mühle, practical projects with Develey or ettics and block seminars together with Ernst & Young and Metaplan, there is a lot on offer in the Bachelor's and Master's programmes.

    Further details can be found in this overview  and on Instagram .


    Announcement - 08.11.2024: Save the date!

    RMI Day of Corporate Management 2024

    Once again this year, the Reinhard Mohn Institute invites you to a current topic with top-class contributions and lively discussions.

    The "RMI Day of Corporate Management 2024" continues the tradition of previous RMI symposia and promotes dialog between science, business and society on future issues. In previous years, the focus was on questions such as "Responsibility: Who is ready?" (2018), "How do values become reality" (2019), "How strong are diverse corporate cultures?" (2020), "What does corporate responsibility mean today?" (2021), "How do we save the future?" (2022) and "New Co-Work? Transformations of cooperation" (2023).

    The speakers included, among others Roland Auschel (adidas), Jens Beckert (Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies), Wibke Brems (The Greens), Immanuel Hermreck (Bertelsmann), Annette Kehnel (University of Mannheim), Alexander Kluge (Kluge + Konsorten), Brigitte Mohn (Bertelsmann Stiftung), Sonja Sackman (UniBW Munich), Ann-Marie Nienaber (Coventry University), Christian Neuhäuser (TU Dortmund), Thomas Voigt (Otto Group), Jürgen Weibler (FU Hagen), Silvia Wiesner (unilever).


    If you have any questions or would like to pre-register, please contact rmi@uni-wh.de

    June 19, 2024: RMI debate "Hype and help - artificial intelligence in companies"

    RMI debate on AI with Dr. Manuela Lenzen

    Artificial intelligence creates uncertainty. Uncertainty among companies as to whether they need to use the new tool to avoid being left behind. The questions of "how" and "what for" often remain unanswered. As a result, many companies are reluctant to become active in the field of AI. In the RMI debate at Witten/Herdecke University, science journalist Dr Manuela Lenzen delved deeper into the topic with the participants, explaining what we are dealing with in AI, what risks and what potential the current processes offer. On the one hand, trained algorithms can monitor production chains, predict demand for products, recognise patterns in biodata and generate texts, images and videos. On the other hand, they make strange mistakes because they don't tick like us, they draw the wrong conclusions and invent supposed facts. Artificial intelligence is therefore far from being able to do everything that is expected of it - but overlooking its potential would be just as problematic. In the debate with Manuela Lenzen, the following food for thought emerged:
    - Companies need to find out how they can best utilise AI tools and shape their practical use together with their employees. This includes questions such as: How many incorrect results are tolerable?
    - AI learns through people - our attempt to understand AI therefore holds a mirror up to us. The same applies to companies: If they use AI, they can understand their processes more precisely, identify deviations between the model and reality and learn from them.
    - Intelligent systems need data - generating these huge amounts of data is not something that many companies can cope with. This also raises the question of how synergies can be created without disclosing confidential company data. For entrepreneurs, the responsible use of AI remains crucial in order to utilise potential, involve employees and better achieve company goals in the long term.

    07 December 2023: RMI Debate "How does science speak to society?" with Sabine Hossenfelder and Christina Hoon

    Sabine Hossenfelder and Christina Hoon highlighted new approaches to science communication in their keynote speeches. In the discussion that followed, we talked with you about applications, boundary conditions and unintended consequences of science communication in the natural and social sciences. The lively exchange between you and the speakers made the evening something special.

    For all those who unfortunately missed the evening or would like to experience the impulses of Sabine Hossenfelder and Christina Hoon again, you can find the audio recording of the lectures in the media library of the Stadtakademie Bochum here.

    17 November: New Co-Work? Transformation through Cooperation - RMI Day of Management with Alexander Kluge, Birgit Gebhardt and Alexandra Heinzelmann

    Event report

    With Alexander Kluge, Birgit Gebhardt, Alexandra Heinzelmann and interactive impulses from the RMI, the focus was on what the major changes of our time mean for leadership and collaboration.

    Major transformations in business and society are in full swing. The corresponding buzzwords are on everyone's lips: digitalization, climate crisis, geopolitics, diversity, demographics and much more that derives from it. The change of times is multidimensional. But if the overarching structures are (supposed to be) in a state of flux, what needs to change in day-to-day practice? What do the many facets of "New Work" look like, for example? What forms of cooperation within and between organizations will be important in the future?

    These questions were in focus at the RMI Corporate Management Day 2023. In addition to the impulses of prominent speakers, there was the opportunity to exchange ideas on selected topics on which the RMI is working intensively and to deepen one's own focal points. Openness, interaction and networking were what made this event so appealing.

    Alexander Kluge accompanies companies on their way through digital and, above all, cultural transformation. He sees himself as a coach, travel companion, idea provider and translator at the interface between IT, organizational development and communication. With Sabine Kluge, he has published the book "Graswurzelinitiativen in Unternehmen: Without a Mission - with Success!".

    Birgit Gebhardt is a trend researcher, consultant and author focusing on the "Future of the Working World." The former managing director of the Hamburg Trendbüro researches new models of networked business and work. Her most recent publications include the book "Future Pics - Outlooks into our new living and working world".

    Alexandra Heinzelmann manages the Germany-wide New Work network HALLO ARBEIT. As an organizational developer with a doctorate and lecturer, she is committed to a sustainable working world with people at the center. She has developed a quality label on the topic of employer attractiveness and is active as an auditor.

    RMI's Corporate Leadership Day 2023 thus continues the tradition of previous symposia, fostering dialogue between academia and business on important issues that affect executives, researchers, students, and society at large.

    07. September 2022: "How can we save the future?" RMI Event: 2022 Annual Corporate Management Symposium

    Event report:

    "How can we save the future?“ was a very challenging topic at this year's annual symposium - Symposiums  - on the 07th of September 2022 at the Universität Witten/Herdecke - we tackled this insumountableand complex challenge with the support of our wonderful guests and our key-speakers who provided us with ideas, examples and role models on where the answers may lie.

    The initial introduction by the university's president  Martin Butzlaff already underscored the need for a new approach: Does the present situation demand a compulsory "make it good again year" for all the damage that mankind has caused?

    The politician  Wibke Brems received highly critical questions from the audience and demonstrated her dedication and openness to the challenges we face, whilst upholding the need for continued support for industries during this period of necessary transformation within the energy sector and beyond.

    The historian  Annette Kehnel held a deeply intersting talk considering historical references to the topic of sustainability. It is welcoming to reflect that her her bestselling book, »Wir konnten auch anders. Eine kurze Geschichte der Nachhaltigkeit« (We can do things differently. A Short Story of Sustainability) was inspired during a seminar with students.

    During the so called "Future Chat" we asked Tobias Esch, Annette Kehnel, Brigitte Mohn und Katharina Weghmann which individuals served as role models were during these challenging and uncertain timesdifficult times. The choice fell between Mother Teresa and the anti-hero Elon Musk there was certainly no lack of inspiring suggestions.

    Tobias Esch presernted the concept of generativity: It is an important aspect of our social well-being and overall contentment when we believe that we have something that is a worthy of passing on.

    We are interested to know what left a lasting impression on our participants. What provided them with a lasting sense of inspiration? Which thoughts and ideas did you take with you? What thoughts are generated when we consider the future perspectives?

    We will continue this dialogue and the next opportunity is already at the upcoming event  "RMI Distinguished Lecture" held by Professor Mark Ebers (University of Cologne) on the 12. Oktober 2022, at 18:00 at the University of Witten/Herdecke in our university's new audotorium - Unternehmensführung unter VUCA Bedingungen: Erstens kommt es anders, und zweitens als man denkt“ "Corporate Management according to VUCA conditions: It's always different than anticipated"

    Wibke Brems MdL Faction Leader for the GRÜNEN in the State Parliament of NRW. She has a degree in electrical engineering with a focus on renewable energy. She is an expert in climate change and energy politics and as a politcitan has experience in mining, economics and digital technologies, and town planing. She is a member of various advisory boards in tertiary education, associations and companies..

    Prof. Dr. med. Tobias Esch is a medic and health scientist with a focus on neurology. He heads the "Institut für Integrative Gesundheitsversorgung und Gesundheitsförderung" (Institution for Integrative Medicine and Well-being) at the University of Witten/Herdecke. He studied and received his PhD in Göttingen, and works as a senior doctor for gerneral practice and integrative medicine, he has also researched at the Harvard Medical School. He is well known as the 'happiness researcher' and is the author of books such as »Mehr nichts!« and »Die bessere Hälfte«.

    Prof. Dr. Annette Kehnel has held the Chair of Medieval History at the University of Mannheim since 2005. After completing her doctoral studies at Trinity College Dublin (PhD 1995), she taught and researched at the TU Dresden, where she habilitated in 2004, before being appointed to Mannheim. Her bestseller "Wir konnten auch anders. A Short History of Sustainability" was awarded the NDR Non-Fiction Book Prize in 2021.

    Dr. Brigitte Mohn is a member of the Bertelsmann Stiftung Executive Board and the supervisory boards of the Bertelsmann Group and a shareholder in Bertelsmann Verwaltungsgesellschaft mbH. She studied political science, art history and German literature in Bamberg, Münster and Augsburg, earned her doctorate at UW/H in 1993 and is a member of the RMI Board of Trustees. Topics close to her heart include health, community affairs, civil society and entrepreneurship.

    Katharina Weghmann is a Partner and Global ESG Forensics Leader at Ernst & Young (EY). She holds a PhD from Columbia University in New York and is an expert in business ethics and systems learning. Capital named her one of the "Top 40 under 40" in 2018. In addition to her consulting work for many well-known companies, she has held international teaching positions and is a member of the Supervisory Board of UW/H and the RMI Board of Trustees.


    18. May 2022: RMI-Debate "Evidence-Based Medicine and Management"

    Event report:

    The RMI Debate on May 18, 2022, the Reinhard Mohn Institute brought one of the current controversial issues in business research to the University of Witten/Herdecke: Can facts and assumptions be separated in management research along the lines of Evidence-Based Medicine, as the term Evidence-Based Management suggests?

    Strategic decisions such as the market entry of the company, the choice of a management concept for the design of work processes in the company, or the question of which team is best suited for which task are often difficult decisions for managers. This is because the data and facts that make such a decision easier or even possible are often lacking. It is therefore not surprising that managers' (and management researchers') eyes turn toward medicine and the hard criteria of evidence-based medicine: Randomized controlled trials with large groups of patients show whether a treatment helps or not. Evidence-based medicine - the conscientious, explicit, and judicious use of the current best external, scientific evidence to make medical care decisions for individual patients - in practice means integrating individual clinical expertise with the external evidence from systematic research. There is no doubt that evidence-based medicine saves lives.

    Evidence-based management aims to follow this example. Research in this tradition examines whether, for example, specific entrepreneurship training has a positive effect on indicators of business success. In many countries, such interventions can have a positive influence on the ability of individuals to ensure the survival of their families.

    Prof. Dr. Nicole Skoetz (Universitätsklinik Köln) introduced the approach of evidence-based medicine as a physician and computer scientist. Her presentation "Evidence-based Medicine in the context of COVID-19: from hopes to facts" used the example of different treatment options for COVID-19 to show how evidence-based guidelines are developed on the basis of numerous studies.

    Prof. Dr. Michael Frese (Leuphana Universität Lüneburg und Asia School of Management, in Zusammenarbeit mit MIT Sloan Management) asked in his presentation, "Evidence based - What else?" and showed how randomized controlled trials in management research create evidence on the effectiveness of training.

    Prof. Dr. Alfred Kieser  (Universität Mannheim and long-time associate professor at RMI)  took a critical position towards such evidence-based management. In his presentation, he raised the question "Does evidence-based management actually improve the quality of management research and thus management?".

    Prof. Dr. Hendrik Wilhelm (RMI) moderated the debate, which focused not only on the constraints on the feasibility of randomized controlled trials but also on the challenges of implementing evidence. The 50 or so participants present, a colorful mix from business, medicine and science, repeatedly took the opportunity to ask questions and join in the discussion - and were then able to exchange ideas more intensively in person at a small reception following the event.


    To top

    20. September 2021: 100 Years of Reinhard Mohn - Corporate Responsibility Today, RMI Corporate Management Day 2021

    Event report:

    To mark the 100th anniversary of Reinhard Mohn's birth, the institute named after him invited people to a dialog between academia and business to reflect on topics that were close to Mohn's heart and that continue to move executives, researchers and society today. For the "RMI Corporate Management Day 2021," the RMI also published in cooperation with the Bertelsmann Foundation (BSt) the book (Buch) - title: Was heißt unternehmerische Verantwortung heute? Reflexionen zum 100. Geburtstag Reinhard Mohns“ erschienen (ISBN 978-3-86793-940-9). 

    In terms of content, the symposium was structured according to Reinhard Mohn's four principles: Lead Participatively; Develop Corporate Culture; Contribute to Performance; Move People. For each of these, there was an overarching discussion question as a stimulus (see program ). Each program item was introduced with a short impulse, which was then followed by a moderated discussion among the respective speakers and with the audience.

    The speakers were: Martin Butzlaff (UW/H), Annette Gebauer (ICL GmbH), Guido Möllering (UW/H), Brigitte Mohn (BSt), Liz Mohn (BVG), Birgit Riess (BSt), Martin Spilker (BSt), Thomas Voigt (Otto Group), Christiana Weber (University of Hanover), Jürgen Weibler (FernUniversität Hagen), Silvia Wiesner (Unilever) and Hendrik Wilhelm (UW/H).

    The event took place as a hybrid event, where the speakers and some officials were on site in the Audimax of the UW/H and about 50-60 guests participated interactively online via Zoom. For each program point after the greetings, there was the possibility to actively contribute to the discussion with requests to speak or in the chat.

    For those interested the zoom recording of the event: https://youtu.be/3UBoqnYkv38

    05. March 2020: "How strong are diverse corporate cultures?" RMI Corporate Governance Day 2020

    Event report:

    On the topic of "How strong are diverse corporate cultures?", top-class speakers exchanged views with around 80 guests from business and academia at the "RMI Corporate Management Day 2020" in the UW/H Audimax on March 5.

    Introduction (Grußworte und ersten inhaltlichen Impulse) from Dr. Heike Schütter (UW/H) und Martin Spilker (Bertelsmann Foundation) was followed by the keynote address by Prof. Sonja Sackmann, PhD (University of the Federal Armed Forces Munich), a pioneer of research on the topic. She highlighted the challenges but also the opportunities of cultural diversity and complexity, as well as the possibilities of dealing with them strategically and organizationally. During the first coffee break, the guests were able to discuss further how good communication can make the potential for conflict productive. Link to the presentation: Link zum Vortrag von Sonja Sackmann

    Afterwards, Prof. Dr. Guido Möllering from the RMI presented five central theses of his new: Publikation „Vielfalt in Unternehmenskulturen“  in cooperation with the Bertelsmann Stiftung. The guests exchanged views on this intensively in marble breaks and in the plenary session, and a common understanding was developed that managers should understand culture as a versatile "toolbox" and take on a mediating role. Link to the presentation: Link zum Vortrag von G. Möllering

    After a midday snack, Dr. Immanuel Hermreck, Chief Human Resources Officer of Bertelsmann SE and member of the RMI Board of Trustees, presented the guests with his particularly exciting presentation:Vortrag  „Verbindendes bei aller Vielfalt“  the perspective of a group that attaches great importance to its "essentials" of creativity and entrepreneurship and at the same time needs diversity as an essential prerequisite for this.

    Afterwards, Dr. Hermreck continued the discussion with many guests at one of the discussion booths that were set up this year for the coffee breaks. At the other booths, topics were discussed that had been suggested by the guests in the run-up to the event, such as the implications of cultural diversity for HR work.

    Prof. Dr. Günther Ortmann and Clemens Wagner also spoke about new, agile ways of working in an automotive company, which encountered a firmly established bureaucracy. The case study is also included in the publication by Prof. Möllering presented in the morning and shows how new cultural elements can enter a company through the back door, as it were, disrupt things, but can be used together with established elements. Link: Link zum Vortrag von Prof. Ortmann und Clemens Wagner

    The afternoon was rounded off by a methodological outlook by RMI Prof. Dr. Hendrik Wilhelm on the topic of "Capturing Corporate Culture Better „Unternehmenskulturen besser erfassen“, who showed how important it is, when analyzing culture, to first clarify the epistemic interest and then to go in sufficiently broad and deep.

    After Prof. Dr. Möllering's closing remarks and words of thanks, all guests had another opportunity to exchange ideas and make contacts with each other and with the speakers at the closing reception. There was lively communication around the event on Twitter and LinkedIn. There was a live streaming via the YouTube channel of the UW/H and the recording of the entire event is available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WpYt6fApfw8 .

    21.-22. November 2019: Forschungstagung "Moral Critique in and around markets"

    Some 30 international scientists discussed the topic on November 21 and 22, 2019, during a conference organized by Simone Schiller-Merkens (RMI) and Philip Balsiger (Université de Neuchatel). RMI-Workshops  alternative forms of organization in the economy.

    Keynote presentations by three renowned scientists framed the discussions.

    Ignasi Martí Lanuza (ESADE, Barcelona) referred to the persistence of institutions of injustice and critically discussed the extent to which marginalized people have the possibility of resistance, and finally addressed possibilities for social restoration.

    Francesca Forno (Universidade di Trento) spoke about the rise of local forms of mobilization following the global justice movement and the attempts of so-called "sustainable community movement organizations" to develop alternative ways of organizing economic exchange at the local level.

    Tim Bartley (Washington University in St. Louis) reflected on the difficulties in regulating global supply chains, both publicly and privately, and reminded us of the limits in the "hope for transcendence" that these regulations are supposed to provide.

    Univ.-Prof. Dr. Guido Möllering

    Univ.-Prof. Dr.
    Guido Möllering

    Fakultät für Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft (Department für Management und Unternehmertum)
    Reinhard-Mohn-Institut für Unternehmensführung

    Phone: +49 2302 926-501

    E-Mail: Guido.Moellering@uni-wh.de

    E-Mail: Send e-mail now

    vCard: Download vCard


    Research Assistants at the Chair of Strategic Organization


    Further Doctoral and Postdoctoral Researchers at the RMI

    M.A. Johannes Busold
    PG Dipl. Strategie Eiko Gerten
    Dr. Leona Henry
    M.A. Tim Kreter
    M.A. Clemens Wagner

    Former Team Members

    The Board of Trustees of the Reinhard Mohn Institute serves as advisory, shaping and supervisory body. Members of the Board of Trustees:

    Dr. Ralph Heck (Chairman), CEO of the Bertelsmann Stiftung

    Prof. Dr. med. Martin Butzlaff (Vice Chairman), President, Witten/Herdecke University

    Dr. Immanuel Hermreck, Chief Human Resources Officer, Bertelsmann SE & Co. KGaA

    Dr. Brigitte Mohn, Member of the Executive Board of the Bertelsmann Stiftung

    Liz Mohn, Vice Chairwoman of the Executive Board of the Bertelsmann Stiftung

    Dr. Monika Olivo, Managing Director, Faculty of Management, Economics and Society, Witten/Herdecke University

    Univ.-Prof. Dr. Dirk Sauerland, Dean, Faculty of Management, Economics and Society, Witten/Herdecke University

    Katharina Weghmann, Partner by EY Forensic & Integrity Services, Head of Integrity

    Die Universität Witten/Herdecke ist durch das NRW-Wissenschaftsministerium staatlich anerkannt und wird – sowohl als Institution wie auch für ihre einzelnen Studiengänge – regelmäßig akkreditiert durch: