Mi., 17.01.2024

Neubau, Alfred-Herrhausen-Straße 48, Raum 031a/b


New Incentives for Global Climate Finance?

New Incentives for Global Climate Finance?

In the [tra:ce] research colloquium the Prof. Dr. Magdalene Silberberger will present the work of the Green Impact Funds (GIFT) Working Group.

The Working Group developed an innovative mechanism designed to efficiently distribute global climate financing funds through subsidy auctions, targeting projects that achieve the highest measurable climate benefit. A concrete, timely example of application is pursued by the team through an ambitious pilot project to promote the use of biochar.

The talk will also touch upon the following questions: Who bears the responsibility for reducing greenhouse gases? What strategies are currently being pursued globally, and why is the focus on the Global North? Can we fight climate change more efficiently – with given limited resources? How can we incentivize governments to raise their spending in the global transition?


Termin :
Mi., 17.01.2024

Neubau, Alfred-Herrhausen-Straße 48, Raum 031a/b



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