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How to Domesticate the Digitalization Devil: An Exploratory View on Digitalization-based Business Model Archetypes

Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft

Digitalization has become the major challenge for firms in the 21st century. The development of new information and com-munication technologies provides opportunities for establishing innovative ways to create, deliver, and capture value. How-ever, while trying to benefit from these opportunities, firms need to overcome a business logic that is based on an analog way of thinking and to establish a new strategic perspective that is reflected in a redefined business model. Against the back-ground of an inductive multiple-case study approach that includes data from 16 case firms, we develop a classification scheme and uncover archetypes of digitalization-based business models of manufacturing firms. Our findings considerably enhance business model literature and contribute to a deeper understanding of digitalization consequences on firm level.


Laudien, Sven & Spieth, Patrick & Clauß, Thomas


Art des Beitrags:
Vortrag / Konferenzbeitrag / Konferenzpräsentation
Veröffentlicht in:
SMS 2016
2016 , Berlin

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